If we look back at our ramadhan, we would have seen ourselves performing many good acts Alhamdulillah like standing long for taraweeh hearing the Quran, reciting more Quran, staying away even from halal provision and intimate relation and many good acts. Lets ponder are we able to do that many acts after ramadhan, are we able to even open the Quran, are we performing salatul fajr when we used to pray tahajjud in Ramadhan? If we see there is a lack, we have lost the strength that we obtained in ramadhan and how, that could be seen in the previous article, ‘Sins and its effects on our life and soul.’ Now we know the bad effect of sins, we would be determined to lead a sin free life and if you are struggling how to lead that path, this article is for you for here is a starting point, taken from a lecture from my sheikh Maulana Abdus Sattar Hafizahullah. This is a short summary of his lecture. When we save ourselves from five major sins, inshaaAllah because of that barakat, we will be save...