
Showing posts from February, 2012

Achieving Sincerity Fwd: Achieving Sincerity

Umar ibn Al-Khattab narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Verily, actions are (judged) by their intentions (niyyah) - so each man will have what he intended” (Narrated in Al-Bukhari) Narrated Ibn Abbas (May Allah be Pleased with him): The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Allah ordered (the appointed angels over you) that the good and the bad deeds be written, and He then showed (the way) how (to write). If somebody (sincerely) intends to do a good deed and he does not do it, then Allah will write for him full good deed (in his account with Him);and if he intends to do a good deed and actually did it, then Allah will write for him (in his account) with Him (its reward equal) from ten to seven hundred times, to many more times.and if somebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it, then Allah will write a full good deed (in his account) with Him,and if he intended to do it (a bad deed) and actually did it, t...

Islam Question and Answer - She faced social pressures that made her stop praying and take off hijab

Islam Question and Answer - She faced social pressures that made her stop praying and take off hijab
Hasan al-Basri was asked: What is the secret to your being so detached from this worldly life? He replied: “I am certain that none besides me will take from the sustenance that has been allotted to me. I am certain that no one else will do good deeds for me, so I personally carry them out. I am always conscious of the fact that Allah is watching me so I feel ashamed to commit any sin. I am aware that death awaits me so I make preparations to meet Allah." I ask Allah to make these things real for us.
Being deprived of (Islamic) knowledge – feelings of alienation in the heart – difficulties – physical weakness – being unable to do acts of worship – being deprived of blessings – less help from Allah – anxiety – more bad deeds – getting used to sin – the sinner becomes insignificant in the sight of Allah – he becomes insignificant in the sight of people – the curse of the animals will be upon him – he will bear marks of humiliation – his heart will be sealed and he will come under the curse (of Allah) – his du’aa’ will not be answered – cause of mischief on land and sea – loss of gheerah (protective jealousy) – loss of modesty – the blessings of Allah will disappear – punishment will befall him – terror in the heart of the sinner – falling into the clutches of the Shaytaan – a bad end – punishment in the Hereafter." [Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) mentione

Lessons Learned from the Story of Prophet Ayoub / Job (A)

Prophet Ayoub (Alaihi-salam – May be peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of Allah’s very sincere worshippers. We find in his story many lessons that we can reflect upon to assess our relationship with Allah. This story especially should make us question whether all our sincerity and worship for Allah is dependent on His blessings on us. The following story was documented by Ibn Kathir. Prophet Ayoub (A) was Allah’s thankful, repentant, patient and steadfast worshipper. Allah the Almighty has praised Him in the Quran thus: "Truly! We found him patient. How excellent a slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance to Us" (Saad 38:44). Ibn Kathir narrates that once Iblis (satan) heard an angel praising Ayoub (A) to other angels, extolling his noble character, patience and remembrance of Allah and describing him as “the best creature on earth today, and an excellent model for the worshippers of Allah.” The angel also added that Allah had blessed him with lo...