
Showing posts from November, 2012

Seven productive habits to develop you spiritually

We should aim to develop the following seven spiritually productive activities into our habits so that we can hopefully continue benefitting from them throughout our lives. These activities are the spiritual `bread and butter' of a Muslim. To develop them as habits is the essence of embarking on a journey towards achieving the love of Allah and constantly increasing your Iman, Insha Allah: 1) Pray the Sunnah prayers It's easier to just pray the obligatory prayers and rush out of the mosque! However, when we realize the rewards we're missing from not praying Sunnah prayers, we will never leave them. There's only one way of getting yourself to pray these Sunnah prayers constantly: Get into the habit of praying them! They'll soon become a part and parcel of your Salah and your Salah will feel incomplete without performing these Sunnah prayers. 2) Remembrance of Allah after Salah How long does it take to recite the supplications after Salah? Around five to seven ...

Gratefulness: A Blessing in Disguise

Scene 1 A heartbroken mother sat silently, staring at her 27-week-old baby’s motionless body. Already inflicted with depression prior to pregnancy, she now most likely had to cope with losing a child, the biggest pain any woman could ever bear with. She was tearless, for tears were not enough to describe her sorrow. Having gone through a long period of problematic pregnancy complicated with pre-eclampsia and diabetes, giving birth to a premature, sick baby was the last thing she wanted. On that day, her baby suddenly deteriorated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. A group of pediatricians rushed to the scene and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed for more than half an hour. But God’s decree was invincible. The baby passed away, returning to her merciful Creator. Scene 2 A premature male baby was in the baby cot in the ward. He was gaining weight, feeding well and thriving. The doctors could not discharge him yet. The reason? His mother had just died two days ...