Importance of morning prayers { Fajr salah }
Fajr means dawn in the Arabic language.The Fajr (Arabic: فجر) ) prayer is the first of the five daily prayers recited by practicing Muslims. The fajr prayer (before dawn) is a time when many people are heedless and sleeping.Its mentioned in a hadith that Fajr prayers are difficult on a hypocrite. In order to make the effort to rise for fajr, the first thing we must do is understand the great status this prayer time holds, both as a time of the day, and amongst the five obligatory prayers. In the Qur’an, Allah Most High says: Establish the Prayers (Zuhr [Midday], ‘Asr [Afternoon], Maghrib [Sunset] and ‘Isha [Evening]) from the declining of the sun till deep darkness of the night. And also (make obligatory) the recitation of Fajr Prayer, for the Qur’an in Fajr (Dawn) Prayer is attended (by the angels and a state of divine consciousness also permeates). ►[Surah Bani Israi’l ,Chapter 17:Verse 78] The meaning of witnessed here means that both the angels of [previous] n...