Adha - the sacrifice
As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah We all know very well the story of Ibrahim. But what are we to learn out of it ! Lots of lessons. Here's an extract from mission islam - its worth reading Ibrahim chose the Love of God over the Love of self, Prophethood over Fatherhood, Loyalty to God over Loyalty to family, Truth over Reality, Consciousness over Instinct, Responsibility over Pleasure, Duty over Right, Tawheed over Shirk. He preferred Advancing to Remaining. Ibrahim chose God and gave up Ismail. Brothers and Sisters, in Mina, an amazing and frightening conversation between a father and a son took place. Ibrahim said to Ismail : "O my Son, I see in a vision that I offer you in sacrifice. Now see what is your view? " (37:102) What frightening words for a child to hear! Ismail could have kept silent. He could have asked Ibrahim to refrain. But Ismail had also faith. He submitted to Allah's will. Realising his father's distress, Ismail ...