
Showing posts from 2017

Cats and Islam

Nahmaduhu wa nusalli 'ala Rasulihi'l Karim All our Praise is for Him (Allah), and we invoke His blessings on His Noble Prophetic Messenger (Muhammad) Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam. Was going through a website - wayfarer - wherein i got to read a new point about cats. It may be new to me, but would like to share with you here "Also Legend has it that the reason Sayyiduna Muhammad (saw) loved cats so much was that his life had been saved by one. A snake had crawled into his sleeve and refused to leave. A cat was called and asked the snake to show its head, in order to discuss its departure. When the snake finally appeared, the cat pounced on it and carried it off. There is also a legend about this in which a cat saved the Prophet's life from a deadly snake. The story is narrated by Annemarie Schimmel as follows: "There are variants of the story of how Abu Huraryra's cat, which he always carried in his bag, saved the Prophet from an obnox...

Believer like a honey-bee

As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah Was going thru this beautiful hadith It is narrated from our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in a Hassan Hadith, wherein he said: The similitude of a believer is like that of a honey-bee, if it eats something, it takes good food, if it digests, it brings forth good (honey), and if it reaches a broken wooden branch, it doesn’t break it as well. A believer resembles a honey-bee due to the following reasons: A believer stays away from ill-mannered & lowly actions just like a honey-bee stays away from bad things. A believer continuously makes an effort that nothing comes out of its surroundings expect which benefits the creation – just like a honey-bee from whose belly nothing comes out except beneficial beverage (honey) of different colors, which has cure for mankind - and that is only possible if a believer ponders that he is an individual of the best Ummah, which has been sent for mankind, meaning that he has a responsibility to guide them to the truth ...

Stay Sharp

By Muhammad Arshad They say that a fool lives to eat and a wise person eats to live. But then the question remains: for what purpose does the wise person live? Living is not an end by itself. There has to be a purpose for to live for. So what is this purpose? Most who reflect or think about life in any detail will consider and ponder about this. If the purpose of life is to become wealthy, obviously there would be no purpose after becoming wealthy. How could wealth then be considered as the aim of life? Once upon a time, a strong woodcutter got a job with a timber merchant. The pay was good, so he determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe. The first day he brought 18 trees. He tried harder, but only managed 15 the second day. The third day saw him bring only 10. Day by day the amount decreased. The woodcutter thought he was losing his strength and went to the boss and apologized. "When last did you sharpen your axe?" asked the timber merchant. "Sh...