Milad celebrations at my city

All praise is for Allah; we praise Him, seek His aid and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and from the wickedness of our actions. Whosoever Allah guides, then none can misguide him and whosoever Allah misguides, then none can guide him. Yesterday was 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Was quiet upset when muslims of my city were very active with the bidah of celebrations of birthday of Prophet Muhammad {While they stay dumb when asked the exact date of birth of Prophet. Instead abuse us, as if we are denying Prophet Muhammad {sallal lahualayhi wasallam}. May Allah swt guide us all. That which caught my attention was GREEN FLAGS, GREEN TURBANS. Even the decorations were in GREEN. What does this color - GREEN - hold significance in Islam ? I posted this to a group over a site. No answer from them {As usual these people blindly follow each other} When i searched over google, lookng for its significance, at one place did read a sentence - that Prophet sallal lahualayhi...