Milad celebrations at my city

All praise is for Allah; we praise Him, seek His aid and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and from the wickedness of our actions. Whosoever Allah guides, then none can misguide him and whosoever Allah misguides, then none can guide him.

Yesterday was 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Was quiet upset when muslims of my city were very active with the bidah of celebrations of birthday of Prophet Muhammad {While they stay dumb when asked the exact date of birth of Prophet. Instead abuse us, as if we are denying Prophet Muhammad {sallal lahualayhi wasallam}. May Allah swt guide us all.

That which caught my attention was GREEN FLAGS, GREEN TURBANS. Even the decorations were in GREEN. What does this color - GREEN - hold significance in Islam ? I posted this to a group over a site. No answer from them {As usual these people blindly follow each other} When i searched over google, lookng for its significance, at one place did read a sentence - that Prophet sallal lahualayhi wasallam's favorite color was green. Which is totally unauthentic. I don't understand, why muslims made that color "holy" in their lives ? Then the thought flashed, might be as the dome of Madinah is green, so did these people attested it as holy in their lives.

So looked for the history of Madeenah.

Dear readers, reading this article may seek your time, but i assure you, insha Allah that it shall add to your knowledge, as well shall shed the darkness of ignorance in this aspect, if you hold any.

Khayr, here's little about the dome of Madeenah

Tranlsation from "History of Al-Masjid Al Nabawi" for Ali Hafez:

"The honourable room (Aisha's home where the prophet and his two companions were buried) did not have a dome before, and directly above the room there was a separation with tiling by as much as half a peson's height, to ditsinguish it from the rest of the masjid.

Sultan Qalawun al-Salehy is the first to innovate this dome on top of the honourable room, as he built it in 678 Hijri, squared from the base, octagonal at the top with wood works, founded upon the pillars around the room, and lined it with lead plates, and replaced the brick layers with wooden tiles.

Then the dome was renovated in the days of Al-Naser Hasan Bin Mohammad Qalawun, and the lead plates moved out of place, and was fixed. It slid out of place and was fixed again in the days of Al-Ashraf Shaaban Bin Hussein Bin Mohammad in 765 Hijri, and again in the days of Sultan Qaitbay in 881 Hijri.

In 886 Hijri the whole dome and section was burned down in the great fire of Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy. In 887 Hijri Sultan Qaitbai rebuilt the dome, and laid great great foundational pillars on the ground of the Masjid made of bricks and masonry, and they were raised to its base height.

After its rebuild on the explained fashion, it cracked from above and no restoration was successful, so Sultan Qaitbay ordered the top destroyed, and rebuilt it in white gypsum, and was finished perfectly and well-crafted in 892 Hijri in that form.

In 1253 Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid ordered it painted green, and he was the first to do so. It was repainted green ever since to this day. Before the green color it was known as "the white dome", then Al-Fayhaa', then "the blue dome" when it was painted blue, until it became known till today as the green dome."

{So the green dome we see today, was earlier, white, then blue}

As you can see there is nothing holy or special about that dome. As a matter of fact most sheikhs in Saudi says it is an innovation because it is a building on top of a grave and the prophet -s.a.a.w.- forbade any building above a grave, and ordered that his grave is made open to the sky with nothing more than half a handspan of height to let people know that it is a grave so as not to be sat on or stepped on.

I also wish, you all to read this link for knowing more about the history of green dome

The other happenings of these celebrations of Mawlid, which reminded me the following hadith was - people rasing slogans - Naray takbeer - Allahu Akbar {at the top of their voice} Did these people not hear this most often quoted hadith :

Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We accompanied the Prophet (PBUH) in a journey, and when we climbed up a height, we proclaimed aloud: "La ilaha illallah (There is no true god except Allah)'' and "Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest).'' The Prophet (PBUH) admonished us saying, "O people, take it easy. He Whom you are calling is not deaf or absent. He is with you (i.e., by His Knowledge), He is Hearing and He is Near.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: This Hadith tells us that in the pronouncement of the fundamental testification of Islam: "La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah)'' (Tahlil) - and His Magnification: "Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest)'' (Takbir) - the voices of the Companions became a bit louder during a journey. The Prophet (PBUH) disapproved of it and commanded them not to put themselves to hardship by remembering Allah in a loud voice, and directed to do that calmly in a dignified, low voice.

There were other slogans as well. Do these rallies and slogans, show your love for Prophet ? Do you really practice sunnahs in your life ? Sorry, i don't mean to be judgemental, but wish the young muslims to check what they practice. Yes, when we are the followers of Muhammad {sallal lahu alayhi wasallam}, then we shud really obey him. Neither do we know the authentic day when Prophet was born, nor do we see any such celebrations proved by Sunnah. Kindly don't blindly fall prey to those leaders of our community, who prove their point thru unauthentic sources.

Prophet {sallal lahu alayhi wasallam} nor sahabas never disturbed people nor caused any sort of irritation. Was it fair when, till late nights, { 1.30 am}, you sing naats, shouting slogans in the mikes --- disturbing sleeps of people around ? Did you not then care for the old and children who need more peace during nights ? Did our Prophet teach us so ? Is this the deen Prophet bought for us ? No, certainly not !

If Prophet was amongst us, do you really think he would approve our actions ? Kindly with ponder over this cooly ? Don't look for else to answer. Look into yourselves and seek answer from yourselves. This is surely not the way, to express your love for Prophet.

Am sorry for being frustrated and emotional. Thought to let myselves thru this blog.

May Allah swt guide all of us over the righteous path. Guide us to check what we practice, and help us by facilitating through true sources of knowledge and practice it. Ameen


Anonymous said…
I got to learn a new hadith. So nice of you posting that Hadith. Allah can listen to every thing, you dont have to shout at the top of your voice to prove your faith.

Although I liked the post, I'd still say that I am disappointed. I was expecting something related to the topic:Milad. It is nothing but a bidah. It is so sad that money is wasted on it and the event is being given religious importance. I've heard some 'scholars' going to the extent of declaring this fake 'eid' and its night more important than Laylatul Qadr. So sad that our deen is hijacked by these fake aalims
Baseerath said…
As Salamu Alaikum Azza

JazakAllahu khayr for your comments. Yes, its very sad to see our deen been distorted. I wish we been youngsters try our best to put all our energies in this way, and educate people regarding bidahs.

Milad celebrations in our city is backed up by political party.

Anyways, i did share an other article over this topic - Significance of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Its an article of Taqi Usmani. That article does discuss about Milad celebrations been bidah.

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