Brilliant aspects of life of the Companions
💐 Sayyida Rafidah Ansariyyah Radiyallahu Anha
Spending your husband's wealth without his permission and making a name for yourself on it will be considered cheating.
💫 You should highlight your strengths/ qualities.
💫 One should always keep oneself busy in any work due to which something good will be written in our deeds.
💫 The world is a place of work, not of rest, and a believer works instead of making excuses, and if he cannot work, he asks for forgiveness.
💫Tawfiq comes from Allah, which should be prayed for at all times.
💫 No matter how difficult the situation is, don't be disappointed in life
So, pray to your Lord and seek forgiveness.
💫 There is also a way to pray, pray with a purpose.
💫Don't do a good deed and expect people to appreciate it.
💫 Taking care of someone who is sick is much better.
💫 The fear of Allah should also increase with the increase of knowledge, not that the power of knowledge should lead to arrogance in a person and end humility.
💫 Divide your time in such a way that time is also taken out for good deeds.