Allah's help comes through different ways

 Sometimes the help of Allah comes in ways we least expect it. 

- It comes in the form of difficulty when we are expecting ease

- It comes in the form of having to work when we are hoping for relief from all and any work. 

Don’t doubt the help of Allah is there. It is. Just not in ways we want, but in ways that Allah knows is best for us. 

Help came to Yusuf (a) in the well, not in the form of a kind hearted rescuer who delivered him into the loving embrace of his father, but in the form of a caravan that sold him into slavery for a few coins. 


It came to Maryam (a) when she was in the pain of childbirth, not in the form of her pain being taken away, but her having to shake the trunk of the date palm tree. 

The path forward is through toil. The help of Allah does not mean that we sit back and watch our wishes come true. 

Allah wants to give us far more than what we want for ourselves. This is why the journey to the end goal can be way longer and complicated than we want it to be. 

Being sold into slavery is what eventually lead to the powerful position Yusuf (a) got in Egypt. So do not lose faith and do not become impatient.

“Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.” (Quran 12:90)


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