On spreading Salaam

One very simple but very important virtue we can all implement in our lives is the Greeting, Islam emphasizes it as one of the most important duties amongst Muslims, it is very beneficial for improving relations, building a stronger bond of love and brotherhood with our fellow Muslims and to cultivate good manners, not to mention the psychological factors involved in greeting someone. Islam is the most civilized way of life. How many of us have walked past their Muslim brother by ignoring them as we pass them across the street, pretending to have not seen them? May Allah forgive us! All people have the custom of greeting one another, and every group has its own distinctive greeting that distinguishes them from other people. The Arabs used to greet one another with the words “An’im sabaahan” or “An’imu sabaahan” [equivalent to “Good morning” – Translator], using words derived from “al-ni’mah”, which means good living after the morning. The idea was that because the morning is the first ...