A righteous Servant

A righteous servant and his/her sound mind agrees with the legislation, the intellect, and the Fitrah.

The worshiper prefers the pleasure of Allah to his own desires. He devotes his energy and efforts to Him. The servant does whatever good he is able to do for Allah’s creation. Therefore, he shows love towards the creation in a way that he would like them to show affection towards him. He treats them the way that he would like to be treated. He calls them by the names that he likes to be called. He advises them with advice that he would give himself. He chooses for them that which he would choose for himself.

He bears their harm and injury although they may not tolerate his. He refrains from defaming their honor and he does not seek retaliation when he is slandered. If he sees good in them, he spreads it and if he sees evil he conceals it. He establishes excuses for them within his ability without nullifying the Shari’aah. The obedient worshiper does not contradict the commands and prohibitions of Allah. Along with that, he has good and righteous character. He possesses virtues such as forbearance, dignity, tranquility, mercy, patience, and fulfilling promises.

In addition to these noble traits, he is also gentle-natured and truthful. His chest is safe from rancor, deception, malice and envy. He possesses humility towards the poeple of Emaan (faith) but he is firm and unwavering toward the enemies of Allah. At the same time he safeguards himself from having to surrender and humble to anything other than forgiveness, bravery, generosity, morality are all virtues that comply with the Shari’aah, fitraah and intellect.

Moreover the good servant prefers the best food. This is the wholesome healthy, lawful food, which provides the body and soul with the best nutrition. Likewise, in his selection of wives, companions and even fragrances this person only desires the best and most suitable. As a result, his soul, body, character, actions, speech, food, drink, clothing, marriage, his associates, and his final resting place are all good.

Excerpted from Sins & their Punishments by Ibn Qayyim.

May Allah swt make us amongst righteous.

Rabbi habli hukma'u walhiqnee bis sawliheen



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