
Showing posts from 2013

Love ,care and respect her

Am not a good writer  nor can I express myselves very much, yet here is an attempt to write over significance of a mother , as  last days ago, I very much recognized through the happenings around me, that SHE { a mother } is been made a very less important subject in our lives. Wherever we find servitude of parents in holy Quran , you shall see that it is soon followed after servitude of Allah swt. This truly depicts the significance of parents. I know a mother of 6 children, all of them settled, in India and abroad. Now, she lives alone at home. One of her sons, makes rotis for his job-working wife and school going children, but does not remember his mother who stays at an other lane. I really feel sorry for that mother. She does n’t wish to stay with her other sons abroad, nor her daughters in India spend much time with her. These days she lives sick. Am glad that her grandson is in India for higher studies, atleast during nights can she sleep with peace. Anyways n...

Duties of children in Islam

Parent-Child Relationship in Islam By (Dr.) I. A. Arshed (1) Rights of Parents (and Duties of children) Islam recognises family as a basic social unit. Along with the husband-wife relationship the Parent-child relationship is the most important one. To maintain any social relationship both parties must have some clear-cut Rights as well as obligations. The relationships are reciprocal. Duties of one side are the Rights of the other side. So in Parent-child relationship the Rights of parents are the obligations (duties) of the children and vice versa, the Rights of children are obligations (duties) of parents. Islam clearly defines the Rights of Parents (which mean duties of children) and obligations of parents (which means Rights of children). It is clear that after Allah parents are the persons who give us innumerable favors. They provide protection, food and clothing to the newly born. The mother sacrifices her comforts and sleep to provide comfort to her children. The father ...

a Scientist explains why he become a muslim, interesting

Do you know who was the first to change the name of YaumuThe first Arab to change the name to Yaumul Jumuah was Ka’b Ibn Luayy, He did this about 560 years before Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. The Quraish used to gather on this day and Ka’b delivered a sermon. Ka’b was among the forefathers of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and stayed away from idol worship, believing in One Allah. Thus the importance of Friday was recognised in Arabia before Islam. (Mazhari)

The choice is yours

By Khalid Baig (Taken from A recent article in the Detroit News contrasted the lives of two ordinary persons from Palestinian refuge camps in Jordan. Two persons joined by faith and circumstances, yet separated by choices of their lifestyles. One awakens at 4 a.m. every day and walks a mile to the mosque for the Fajr prayers. At that time, the other is often just getting to sleep, capping off another night of drinking and socializing at a bar that caters to tourists and wealthy Palestinians. One keeps abreast of the latest political developments in the Middle East to "ensure our future liberation from Israel." The other, "like many in his Heineken-drinking clique, is oblivious to the latest showdown between the United States and Iraq and the subsequent peace brokered by the United Nations. But … knows all the words to the latest music videos." One wears a beard. The other religiously shaves it before happy hour, "because the real hot girls like...

Conditions for joking to be permissible in Islam

What are the conditions for joking to be permissible? Praise be to Allaah. 1 – It not should not involve any element of making fun of Islam. That is one of the things that nullify a person’s Islam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “If you ask them (about this), they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger  that you were mocking?’ Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed” [al-Tawbah 9:65-66] Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Making fun of Allaah, His Signs and His Messenger is kufr (disbelief) and the one who does that disbelieves thereby after he had believed.” The same applies to making fun of some Sunnahs, an action which is widespread, such as making fun of the beard and the hijaab, or of shortening one’s garment, etc. Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in al-Majmoo’ al-Thameen, 1/63: ...

The Day of Eid

The Day of Eid! By Umm Ammarah The Month of Ramadaan is coming to an end and the transition from Ramadan to Eid and thereafter  should be a path that brings us closer to our Creator and a path that treads the Sunnah i.e. The way of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) . After a month of sacrifice, Allah Ta’aala takes it upon Himself to reward His faithful servants. Allah Ta’ala is the Most Generous and Most Benevolent. Indeed Allah Ta’ala’s Generosity multiplies in Ramadaan. When Allah Ta’ala sees His servants carry out all their duties  faithfully and strive to gain closeness to Him through their Fasting ,Salaat ,patience ,recitation of Quraan ,zikr ,dua ,and controlling of even permissible desires and needs like food, drink etc. then Allah Ta’ala bestows on His faithful servants a special prize on the night preceding the day of Eid.   THE PRIZE GIVING NIGHT:   Allah Ta’ala bestows the rewards on those who have spent the month in ...

The Battle of Badr

Muslims were not allowed to fight during their thirteen years of stay in Makkah even if they were tortured and turned out from their homes. After the migration of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) from Makkah to Medina, he established relations with non-Muslims in the form of agreements and laid down the foundation of the Islamic state. The Battle of Badr was the first battle in the history of Islam where the enemies were three times than the believers. The Muslim army consisted of 313 persons, 70 camels, 2 horses, and 8 swords. We notice that Prophet Mohammad (SAS) was sharing a camel ride with Abu Lubabah (RU) and Ali (RU) just like others were sharing the rides. The enemy consisted of  1000 well equipped soldiers, 700 camels, and 100 horses. Let us describe some of the events before the battle, during the battle and after the battle to learn various lessons from this battle. Before the battle Prophet Mohammad (SAS) was extremely worried and prayed to Allah (SWT) that if ...

My mother's day

“I love you, mom,” whispered Yusuf as he wrapped the soft pashmina shawl around his mother’s shoulders. The vibrant peach contrasted with the dark rings that had grown under her eyes lately, but their brightness had not faded. Her eyes lit up as she stroked the delicate embroidery on the edge of the shawl, “And this…Yusuf?” Yusuf looked at her with the excitement of a young boy unpacking his first bicycle, “Wait ma…there’s more,” he cried, as he removed a burgundy jewellery box. Presenting it in front of his mother, like they were the crown jewels, he gingerly lifted the lid to reveal a string of exquisite cultured pearls, delicately strung together with small black pearls breaking the shimmer of the white pearls. “Yusuf!” exclaimed his mother, her eyes brimming, “What’s all this?” Yusuf stepped back and looked at his mother holding the pearl necklace close to her chest, admiring it, “Mom, always wanted a pearl necklace….” “But it must have cost you a small fortune,” ...

Why our prayers are not answered

It is reported that Ibrahim ibn Adham {May Allah have mercy upon him} once passed through the market of Basrah. People gathered around him and asked: O Abu Ishaq, Allah the Exalted says in His Book.  ‘Call on me, I will answer your prayers’, but we have been calling on Him for a long time and He does not answer our prayers.  He replied, “O people of Basrah, Iraq; your hearts have died in respect to ten things. 1} First, you know Allah but you do not give Him His rights 2} Second, you have read the Book of Allah, but you do not act by it 3} Third, you claim to love the Messenger of Allah {Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him} yet you abandon his Sunnah. 4} Fourth, you claim to be enemies to Shaytan, but you conform to his ways. 5} Fifth, you say you love Paradise, yet you do not work for it. 6} Sixth, you say you fear The Fire, yet you put yourselves closer to it by sinning. 7} Seventh, you say death is true, but you do not pr...

Developing love of Allah swt

Ibn al-Qayyim - rahimahullâh - says: Firstly: Reciting the Qur‘ân, reflecting and understanding its meaning and its intent. Secondly: Drawing closer to Allâh - the Most High - through optional deeds, after fulfilling the obligatory duties. Thirdly: Being continuous in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allâh, with the tongue, the heart and the limbs - under all circumstances. The more constant the dhikr, the more mahabbah develops and intensifies. Fourthly: Giving precedence to what Allâh loves over personal loves, when being overcome by desires. Fifthly: Contemplating and deliberating over the Names and Attributes of Allâh. Sixthly: Recognising and remembering the favours and bounties of Allâh - both the manifest and hidden. Seventhly: To be humble and submissive before Allâh - and this is the greatest matter. Eightly: To be in seclusion reciting the Qur‘ân, during that time in which Allâh descends to the lowest heaven (which is the last third of every night...