Love ,care and respect her

Am not a good writer  nor can I express myselves very much, yet here is an attempt to write over significance of a mother , as  last days ago, I very much recognized through the happenings around me, that SHE { a mother } is been made a very less important subject in our lives.

Wherever we find servitude of parents in holy Quran , you shall see that it is soon followed after servitude of Allah swt. This truly depicts the significance of parents.

I know a mother of 6 children, all of them settled, in India and abroad. Now, she lives alone at home. One of her sons, makes rotis for his job-working wife and school going children, but does not remember his mother who stays at an other lane. I really feel sorry for that mother. She does n’t wish to stay with her other sons abroad, nor her daughters in India spend much time with her. These days she lives sick. Am glad that her grandson is in India for higher studies, atleast during nights can she sleep with peace. Anyways not just this mother, but I had seen many families ignoring their mother or making them less important in their lives.

 Abdullah ibn Umar, a leading scholar among the Prophet’s (Pbuh) companions once saw a man from Yemen carrying his mother on his back and going around the Ka’abah in his tawaf. Rather than show any sign of complaint, the man was happy, repeating a line of poetry in which he likened himself to a camel his mother was mounting. The only difference is that a camel may be scared by something and go out of control. He would never go out of her control. He looked at Abdullah ibn Umar and asked him whether by so doing he discharged his debt to his mother. Ibn Umar said: “No. You have not even paid back one twinge of her labour pain when she gave birth to you.”

Looking for Allah’s reward, some people make their parents feel that whatever they own is theirs as well. They can use it in the way they please. Although some people are careless how they spend their money, most parents are more careful when it comes to spending their children’s money than spending their own. So, to make one’s parents feel that they do not live on their son’s charity is to give them that little extra which makes the difference between feeling oneself to be a burden and feeling perfectly at home. The more a parent feels happy and contented with his child, the more Allah is pleased with that child. Moreover, a parent pays his child back immediately. This takes the form of praying Allah for him. Such a prayer by parents for their children, which for Muslims, normally takes the form of “May Allah be pleased with you,” is certain to be answered. When Allah is pleased with someone, He helps him or her overcome their difficulties, eases their hardships and guides them to success in life.  

Moreover, a child is expected to do as his parents tell him. From the Islamic point of view, this does not apply only when a child is young. As long as a son or a daughter is able to grant the wishes of their parents, and by doing so they neither incur any sin, nor jeopardize any greater interest, then they should do so as if these wishes of their parents were commands. There is nothing excessive in this. It does not impose a great, heavy burden. Normally, a parent is easy to please. Even when parents ask for something which is difficult to obtain, a child can manoeuvre his way to please his parents without undertaking any great difficulty. Some parents may be unreasonable in their demands, especially when they live with their son in his home.

 Relations between his wife and his mother may be occasionally strained. A mother may feel that her daughter-in-law takes her son away from her. That may lead to friction between the two. A wise son tries his best to reconcile his mother’s rights with those of his wife. He must not be unfair to either. Should his mother ask him to divorce his wife, he must not do so if his wife fulfils her duties toward him and his mother. All that a daughter-in-law is required to do towards her mother-in-law is to look after her in a reasonable manner.
Source : Islamic voice

As to the reward for doing good to our parents a Hadith mentions the following story: “Three persons of ancient days were once travelling in a mountaneous region. The rain, thunder and lightning made them take refuge in a cave. Mudslide made a stone block the opening to the cave. The persons were entrapped inside. When the storm stopped they tried to push back the heavy stone to get out of the cave but they could not. They wondered ‘what to do now’. At last seeing that their joint efforts also cannot move the stone they decided to pray to Allah sincerely. One of them suggested, ‘each one of us should relate one good thing he has done in his life and beg Allah to move the stone. One said, “One night my old mother asked me to bring a cup of milk for her. During the time I milched the goat and brought it to her she had gone to sleep. I did not think it proper to disturb her. So I stood by her bedside for the whole night till she got up in the morning and then I offered her the cup of milk. O God, if this act of mine was approved by You please shift this stone.” The stone slipped a little but not enough to let them get out. Similarly, the second and the third man mentioned an act of goodness and prayed to God to shift the stone. The stone slipped down and the entry to the cave opened up. So the men got out. This story shows how service to one’s parents leads to blessings from God and rescue from troubles. 

Let us spend some time with her from our busy lives, don't forget she did spend her lifetime for us. Don't stop sharing your secrets or happenings of your life. Remember she was the one who heard you without been irritated when you learnt to talk. It hurts and pains her very much when you stop sharing your happenings as before. Make her part of your life

 I end up by making prayers, that may Allah swt bless all the children a blessing of pleasing their parents as they lead us to jannah. Do make duas for me as well that I be a righteous daughter. Here I end up leaving you all with Yair Qadhi’s lines :

  A ṣaḥābi's father passed away and he was crying very much at the funeral.  One of the other ṣaḥābah came and comforted him and tried to console him and said, “O so-and-so, I am not crying just because my father died.  I know inshā'Allāh he is in a better place now than he was in this world.  I am crying because my biggest door to Jannah has now been shut.”  Think about this, brothers and sisters, for those of you whose parents are alive that this is your easiest door to Jannah.  This is the largest and middle door to Jannah.  Think about this, and do whatever you can to help your parents to have that good relationship with them.  The du'ā' for the parents is the best thing that you can ask for in this world.


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