
Showing posts from May, 2021

Three levels of Fasting

 "It should be known that there are three grades of fasting:  ❶ Sawm al-umūm ( ordinary fasting) means abstaining from food, drinks and sexual satisfaction. ❷ Sawm al-khusūs (specila fasting) means keeping ones's eyes, tongue, hands and feet-and all other organs-free from sin. ❸ Sawm Khusūs al-khusus (Exra -special fasting) means fasting, of the heart from unworthy concerns and worldly  thoughts in total disregard of everything but Allah.  [IMÁM al-Ghazalī |Ihya Ùlum al-Din ]

End Ramadhan with Istighfaar

by Asma bint Shameem  The beautiful month of Ramadhaan has come to an end.  Now end this amazing month of fasting and praying and Qur’aan with Istighfaar and seeking forgiveness.  That’s because seeking forgiveness after ANY act of worship is a wonderful way of smoothing out any imperfections it may have had....  It helps remove any shortcomings, any mistakes, any flaws, any weaknesses.... And that’s the reason why it’s part of our Deen to seek forgiveness after ALL acts of goodness.  Didn’t the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam seek forgiveness of Allaah three times after every Salaah? (Saheeh Muslim) Didn’t he teach us to say Istighfaar after making wudhu?  (an-Nasa’i-saheeh by al-Albaani) And after getting up from a gathering, the duaa we make also includes Istighfaar.  (Abu Dawood- saheeh by al-Albaani) After performing tahajjud, the most beloved prayer to Allaah after the five daily prayers, Allaah praises those who make Istighfaar.  (Sura...