
Showing posts from September, 2021

Anger Management

 One of the emotions which we humans hold is 'Anger'. This emotion has mostly negative impact over self as well as people around us. So it is very important to control anger. Islam is a complete religion and it does teach us how to control this emotion. It is the result of  inner agitation and desire for revenge. There is a hadith wherein Prophet { Peace be on him}, adviced to control anger. Anger is a natural emotion, and we are guided through Quran and Sunnah to control it. .Anger lets us to regret later. But when we are angry, satan encourages us to extreme it and then act immoral in our anger TYPES OF ANGER There are two types of anger. The one which pleases Allah and the other which pleases satan The anger which pleases Allah is natural human emotion which we humans have no control over it. For instance, when the ummah of Musa alayhis salaam worshipped Idols, Musa was angry. But when his people repented and returned to Allah, his anger subsided and Allah Himself consoled ...