Tension - Modern Killer - Virus . Part-1

As Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

This article focuses on worries and anxieties that attack the heart and mind of man and create a state of perpetual misery. Actually the origin of worry is the fear of an undesirable thing happening in the near future .

This is something that we all experience. However it may not ne confused with fear although it comes very near it. The difference is that worries and tensions are caused by the feeling of an approaching danger , although exactly , 'what danger', we are unable to descirbe. Secondly, beacause of the inability to describe the danger felt to be approaching us, we are unable to work out a way to defend ourselves. And the third difference between fear and anxiety can last very long

The effects of worries and anxieties can be as follows:

First, the feeling of unpeacefulness within. Second the search for means of escape in the face of on-coming dangers. And thirdly, prolonged tension

These are psychological effects. Gradually these affect the body aslo, in manners such as :

a} Increase in heartbeats
b} Drying of the throat
c} Head-aches , and
d} Insomnia

Let us now look at some of the remedies offered to us by Islam. But before that, we must understand that all anxieties are not unnatural. Some are caused by real dangers that we expect. These are necessary, since without them we will not prepare ourselves to face on-coming dangers. These will last till the dangers last and must go with them. But some anxieties are purely imaginary. Or, if real, they could be cures only if we knew the cause. Therefore let us first look into the cause which create anxieties and worries.

Psychologists generally speak of three causes :

1 - Feeling of weakness and helplessness
2 - Sense of animosity towards oneself by others
3 - Feeling of loneliness.

We may mention here in passing that most of these take root in the mind right in childhood. And this happens in disordered homes and societies. Specially the house plays a very important part. Homes in which there is lack of love and care, children are not treated equally by parents, or they are harassed , or not respected sufficiently , or yet animosity exists between parents themselves - in such homes are psychological patients born. In any case , we shall take each cause of worry we have mentioned earlier and look into remedies offered by Islam.

"And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the abode of the Hereafter for those have Taqwa. Will you not then understand!" - The Holy Qur'an


BiliMaffy said…
As-salaam alaykum Warahamatullah

very interesting topic masha Allahu.I can relate with most of what you've said so far.
Jazakallahu khayran.

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