Welcoming back Shayta'an - Did you !

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Welcoming Back The Shaitaan.

- Adil ibn Manzoor Khan

Hurray … Eid is here.

We are Free.

We can now return back to our Daily Routine.

Is this what you just said to yourself after the Ramadhan got over ?

Then read on , this article is specially meant for you.

Eid is now over and we are busy meeting our family and relatives and giving them the Eid greetings.

But in doing so, how many of you bothered to pray the “zohar” (afternoon) salat ?

How many of us prayed Asr / Magrib / Esha ?

Hey “Esha” , but ‘Taraweeh” is now over , isnt ?

Now who cares to go, we will just read it at home after this tv daily soap. We have truly missed so many episodes of our daily soap.

I truly need to catch up with the story.

Wait a sec my dear brothers (and sisters) , think.

During Ramadhan , why was it so easy to abstain from evil and do our salat on time ?

Was it we are only muslim during Ramadhan ?

Is it not because your good friend “Shaitaan” was not near you to fill your hearts with "waswas" that you could easily pray all 5 salat on time ?

Think ?

If you have indeed changed after the Ramadhan then you have truly “Welcomed Back The Shaitaan”.

Hmmm,,, not me.

Why would anyone welcome the shaitaan and why would anyone call him a “good friend” when we all know it is he who would take us to hell ?

Now lets see and analyze for yourself.

Have you gone back to your old habbits ?

Backbitting , giving foul words , cheating , fighting ?

Do you now stare lustfully to other womens walking on the street.

Is watching Fashion TV and other haraam things back on your "sin list" ?

Do you now get angry everytime your mothers tells you something to do ?

And yes Salaats.

Asr : I am in office , cannot pray.

Magrib : I am driving home , inshallah I will pray once I reach home.

Esha : Yes I will surely pray after I finish my meal and watching tv.

Fajr , did not hear the alarm clock. Sorry + I will read once I get up for my office.

Do you know that its “good friend” (shaitaan) who sleeps next to you and ties knot around your head making it difficult for you to wake for fajr.


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