Holding one's tounge
As Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, Today we are discussing a subject which is going to be a reminder for all of us. May Allah swt help us to speak only which benefits us in this world and aakhirah. Let's be mindful of the words we utter and refrain from finding faults in others Talking too much is a personality defect stemming from mental and spiritual imbalance. Use precise words that do not confuse the listener’s mind, and do not use more words than necessary to convey the intended message. Indeed, using many words may even be harmful, for the more words you use, the greater the chance of contradiction, which will confuse the listener even more. This development will not benefit the listener; on the contrary, it will work to his or her detriment. Reasonable people prefer to let those people, whose words might be of more benefit to the audience, speak. If perfected individuals whose minds are saturated with science and whose souls are satisfied with Divine spiritua...