Emaan means ----

The Daar of Islamic Heritage

Volume 12 Issue 2 Dhul- Hijjah 1424 (February 2004)

To understand the desired meaning of any word mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah, one must first know its meaning in the Arabic language. After that, one must study the different uses of this word in various Islamic texts. It is impermissible to use a meaning of any word, relating to Shari’ah (Islamic law), according to any time frame, except the time of revelation. “Eman” is one of these words that must be interpreted exactly the way Allah and His Messenger intended. Explaining words according to their meanings at the time of their revelation provides us with their desired meanings according to Islamic terminology.

When one studies the uses of the word “Eman,” he finds that there are two basic meanings for it: faith and acceptance, and adherence and implementation.

The first meaning is supported by numerous evidences. Prophet Ibrahim asked Allah if he could witness how He brings the dead to life. Allah said in the Noble Quran, what translated means,

He (Allah) said (to Ibrahim), “Do you not believe?” He (Ibrahim) said, “Yes, but to be stronger in faith.”

Allah also mentioned the story of Prophet Yousef (Joseph), Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, and his brothers. They came back at night crying to their father, carrying Yousef’s bloody shirt, saying,

“But you will never have Eman (believe) in us even when we speak the truth.”

This means, “You will never believe us and accept our claim that Yousef was eaten by a wolf.” Furthermore, Allah said that Pharaoh said when he was facing certain death by drowning,

“I believe that none has the right to be worshipped but He, in whom the Children of Israel have believed, and I am one of the Muslims (those who submit to Allah’s Will).”

This means “I accept and affirm...”

I believe, or accept, is followed by a preposition that completes the meaning by explaining what the belief was in. When one says “I believe in Allah,” this means that he believes in His Names and Attributes and that he submits to His will. Likewise, when one says, “I believe in the Messenger, who calls unto Allah,” this means “I believe in the revelation sent from Allah to His Messenger.” An obvious example to the above is,

But you will never believe us,

that is “you will never accept what we say.” Another example is,

But none believed in Moses except the offspring of his people.

This Ayah means that a few young Israelites believed in what Moses told them; that they will escape from Egypt, become victorious, and that Pharaoh will die.

The above Ayat attest to the first use of the word “Eman.” This form of speech means that Eman entails believing in what Allah and His Messenger have said. The Prophet explained the cornerstones of Eman when he said in an authentic Hadith that Eman is,

“To believe in Allah, His Angles, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day. And also to believe in the good or bad that Al-Qadar (Predestination) brings from Allah.”

The second common use for the word “Eman” in Islamic terminology is adherence and implementation. Implementation means to perform the group of actions such that whoever performs them is called Mu’min (believer). Also, it means to prohibit the group of actions such that whoever abandons them is called a Mu’min.

This meaning is evident when one examines the answer the Quran provided for a question that was raised by some Muslims, and that was, “What about our brethren who died and never prayed in the direction of the Kaa’bah (in Makkah)?” This question was raised after the Qiblah (direction of the prayer) was changed towards the Kaa’bah from Jerusalem. Allah said, what translated means,

And We made the Qiblah which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (disobey him). Indeed it was great (heavy) except for those whom Allah guided. And Allah would never make your Eman to be lost. Truly Allah is full of Kindness, the most Merciful towards mankind.

The scholars stated that, “your Eman” above means, “your prayer.” This means that Allah would never invalidate your pervious prayers made towards Jerusalem. He was the One who had commanded you to pray towards Jerusalem in the first place. Also, the Prophet Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam said, what translated means,

“Eman is sixty and some parts, the highest of which is La Ilah Illa Allah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah), and the lowest of which is removing harm from the road.”
[Abu Dawood, An-Nasaii & Ibn Majah].

The Messenger has included here all actions of Islam in the meaning of Eman, from Shahadah (proclamation of faith) to the least of actions, that is, to remove harm from people’s way.

Also, many verses of the Quran joined the two above meanings when describing the believers. For example, Allah said, what translated means,

Innama (only) those are the believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and afterward doubt not but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah. Those are the truthful.

This Ayah describes Eman with both meanings: faith and implementation. Eman is believing, without doubt, in Allah and His Messenger, giving charity and performing Jihad in the cause of Allah. Jihad is the highest graded action of Islam, and whatever is less than Jihad is no doubt included in Eman. Whoever performs Jihad in the cause of Allah will never be one who does not pray, pay the Zakat or perform Hajj. Allah described the believers in the Ayah above as,

Those are the truthful.

This means that some will falsely claim to be believers, as the Ayah clearly implies when using “Innama” (which means “only”), or that they may have a different meaning for Eman, thinking that Eman is only the affirmation of belief with the tongue. Using “Innama” means that whoever is not like what the Ayah described as Mu’min is not a true believer.

The following Ayah is similar to the one above. Allah said, what translated means,

Innama (only) the believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts, and when His Verses (this Quran) are recited unto them, they (the Verses) increase their faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone). Who offer the prayer perfectly and spend out of that We have provided them. It is they who are the believers in truth. For them are grades of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness and a generous provision (Paradise).

Fear of Allah, the increase of Eman in the heart and total dependence on Him are all feelings and actions performed by the heart. This means that Eman is not only the affirmation and acceptance of the heart, but also actions and feelings taken by the heart. After this comes praying and paying the Zakat, two actions that are parts of Eman.

The verse then continues,

It is they who are the believers in truth. For them are grades of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness and a generous provision (Paradise).

This Ayah also used “Innama (only),”

Innama (only) the believers are...

Afterwards, Allah continued,

It is those who are the believers in truth.

This Ayah also implies that there is false Eman. This false Eman is either an empty proclamation of faith, or a belief in myths and falsehood. From all of the above, we conclude that Eman, as defined in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam has two meanings. First, accepting and affirming the revelation from Allah and what His Messenger has said. Second, adhering by the Commandments that Allah had ordained on those who accept the revelation.


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