Fabricated hadiths - last part

Means of Eliminating Fabrication

Some of the means of eliminating fabrication include:

1. Examining the character of the narrator. In order to be considered reliable, Hadith transmitters must possess personal integrity and must be able to provide flawless chains of transmission for their hadiths.

2. Making a textual comparison. This method was applied to make cross comparisons between the hadiths, for example, comparing the hadiths of different students of the same scholar.

3. Comparing the statements of a single scholar at different times. This method of criticism was applied to check whether the transmitter added something to the hadith or if it remained the same as he transmitted it before.

4. Comparing written documents with a hadith transmitted from memory.

According to the Hadith scholars, the information gained from books is more authentic and accurate than what is based on one's memory.

5. Comparing the hadith with related verses of the Quran and other hadiths.


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