Praising any one in his presence !!!

As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Last time, when one of the sisters-in-Islam, praised me, i reminded her in simple words to add the words - Allah swt knows the best. She felt very bad and said that i embarrassed her in public while i cud do it private. I was of the intention that since its a very general talk, and we all say such & since many read it while its open over to all, we can make this sunnah alive. I was looking for the hadith very much to share it their, and alhamdulilah, Allah swt sent it to me thru a source, i never imagined. A little boy came to me by evening and handed a book saying that he thought to give it to me, when he found this at his aunt's house. Very first page of that magazine, had this hadith and its explanation

If she's reading this, hope i cleared her my intention. May Allah swt reward her, for, i got this thought to share this topic over blog.

Anyways, for all other readers, insha Allah, today we shall learn the seriousness of praising a person and its manners. May Allah swt help all of us to practice it in our lives.

Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) heard a person lauding another person or praising him too much. Thereupon he said, "You killed the man,'' or he said, "You ruined the man.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Mention of a man was made to the Prophet (PBUH) and someone praised him whereupon he (PBUH) said, "Woe be to you! You have broken the neck of your friend!'' He repeated this several times and added, "If one of you has to praise his friend at all, he should say: `I reckon him to be such and such and Allah knows him well', if you think him to be so-and-so, you will be accountable to Allah because no one can testify the purity of others against Allah.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: This Hadith prohibits us from praising anyone in his face. If at all one has to praise someone, he should say that "In my opinion he is such and such,'' provided he really thinks as he says. The reason for this is that it is Allah Alone Who knows him thoroughly and none can claim to be innocent before Him.

Hammam bin Al- Harith (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A person began to praise `Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him), and Al-Miqdad (May Allah be pleased with him) sat upon his knees and began to throw pebbles upon the flatterer's face. `Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "What is the matter with you?'' He said: "Verily, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, `When you see those who shower undue praises upon others throw dust upon their faces.'''

Commentary: The purpose of this Hadith seems to be that one should neither pay serious attention to one who praises nor reward him for it. If one can throw grit in his face, that should also be done. One should at least avoid such persons who are in the habit of praising people unnecessarily.

Imam An-Nawawi has stated that these Ahadith are in prohibition of praise while there are many in favour of it. `Ulama' are of the opinion that the two points of view can be reconciled. If the one who is praised has perfect Faith and confidence and is endowed with the gift of knowledge by Allah and has control over his self and thereby he is not likely to go astray by praise, then praising him is neither unlawful nor disgusting. But if he is vulnerable to praise then praising him in his presence is abhorred. Ahadith in prohibition of praise support this point of view. While one of the Ahadith, which are in favour of praise, relates to the occasion when the Prophet (May Allah be pleased with him) said to Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him): "I hope that you will also be among them,'' that is "You will be one of hose who will be called from every gate of Jannah.'' (See, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada'il As-Sahabah). Another Hadith on the issue relates to the event when the Prophet (PBUH) said to Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him): "You are not one of them.'' What it signified was that "You are not one of those who keep their trousers below their ankles out of sheer pride.'' (See, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Manaqib Abu Bakr). He said to `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him): "When Satan sees you going on some way, he leaves it and proceeds to some other direction.'' (Al-Bukhari, Manaqib `Umar)

The above explanation is from Riyadh-us-Saliheen. Insha Allah, when i get bit free shall add the notes from that magazine too.

May Allah swt guide all of us and not let us astray. Ameen


Azmath Sultana said…
Salam alaikum rubina. Nice article and totally relevant at all times. Praise at times can make a person blind about oneslf, especially where matters of deen are concerned. It often brings Ghuroor and takabbur with it and these are the qualities of Shaitaan. May Allah keep us protected from him and his qualities.

By the way, Allah's messenger has taught a dua which is to be read when we r praised.

I will write it here in english...i do not know how to write here in arabic....

Allahumma la tu-aa-khizni bima yaqoo luna,
Waghfirli ma la ya3lamoona,
waj-3ll ni khairam mimma yazunnoon.

(3 denotes aain of arabic)

The translation: Oh Allah , dont hold me for what they say, forgive them what they do not know and make me better than what they think.


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