π Sayyida Rafidah Ansariyyah Radiyallahu Anha Spending your husband's wealth without his permission and making a name for yourself on it will be considered cheating. π« You should highlight your strengths/ qualities. π« One should always keep oneself busy in any work due to which something good will be written in our deeds. π« The world is a place of work, not of rest, and a believer works instead of making excuses, and if he cannot work, he asks for forgiveness. π«Tawfiq comes from Allah, which should be prayed for at all times. π« No matter how difficult the situation is, don't be disappointed in life So, pray to your Lord and seek forgiveness. π« There is also a way to pray, pray with a purpose. π«Don't do a good deed and expect people to appreciate it. π« Taking care of someone who is sick is much better. π« The fear of Allah should also increase with the increase of knowledge, not that the power ...
As Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, Dear Readers, Alhmadullilah, we completed studying Al-Imran, at Qur'an Foundation. Battle of Uhud, left a very deep influence over me. I was so much reflected by it, that browsed to know more and more of this battle. Even had a discussion with a brother {khalifa bhai}. Am sorry i bothered him very much, but i wished even we women participate in such battles. I did not want to limit myselves holding just the intention --. I was advised that why do i not yearn to be "a siddiqah', which is of higher status than a shaheed ! That cooled me a bit though not contended. Hope Heena Ma'm you too are reading this. You wanted me to write articles on my own, and Battle of Uhud, made me to start up. JazakiAllahu khayr for your words of encouragement. Here i thought, i shud share few incidents from Battle of Uhud : My little lines are enclosed in brackets. Dua made by Abdullah ibn Jahsh and his friend Sa'd (radhi Allahu anhu) : {It ...
Bismillah Ar Rahmaan Ar-Raheem For the first time, is personalising my blog. Thought to share my happiness with my readers here By the grace of Allah SWT, am been blessed with a very cute and beautiful daughter on this friday , i.e 18th of March. I wish my readers to pray Allah swt, to make her coolness of eyes, both this world and hereafter. I hold lots of prayers that she be a practising and an ideal muslimah. May Allah swt protect her from fitnahs of dunya and aakhirah. May Allah swt also protect her from whispers and evils of satan and humans & Jinns. May she be a very good source of sawaab to me and my husband in the hereafter. May she be a amongst the best of muslims over whom Allah swt guided and bestowed His grace upon, and not the way of those who were astray and misguided. Ameen May Allah swt guide me to fulfill my right towards her and make her amongst those whom Allah swt blesses with His Mercy Ameen