Attitude leads to altitude

The glass is half-full…!!!
By Abu Muhammad Yusuf
From time to time we all experience challenges. It could be when we encounter some difficult situations in our life or business or we have problems with health or even just day to day issues. What is really important is how we face up and react to those challenges. Our attitude and Trust in our Creator will determine how much we succeed.
Attitude leads to altitude!
According to scientists, the bumblebee's body is too heavy and its wing span too small. Aerodynamically, the bumblebee cannot fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know that and it keeps flying.
When you don't know your limitations, you go out and surprise yourself. In hindsight, you wonder if you had any limitations! The only limitations a person has are those that are self-imposed. Don't let physical conditions dictate how you respond to life’s challenges.
There is a story about a group small frogs who took part in a race.The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. Then they were off!
No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower and they began to yell things like:
Oh, way  too difficult!!”, “They will NEVER make it to the top”, “Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!”
The tiny frogs began collapsing one by one, but there were some that were managing to climb higher and higher.
The crowd continued to yell: “It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!” 
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one frog continued higher and higher and higher. This one wasn’t giving up!
At the end, every other frog had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after great effort, was the only one who reached the top! All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?
 A contestant asked the tiny frog who had succeeded how it had found the strength to reach the goal?
It turned out…that the winner was deaf.
Never listen to people who have a tendency of negative or are pessimistic because they may impede your progress and stop you from achieving your dreams. Everything that you hear and see can affect you in so many ways. So filter and entertain only those that will have a positive bearing on your life.
 “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Qur’an, 13:11)
So where do we start?...Changing our attitude to POSITIVE MODE is vital! Therefore always Trust in Allah, be Positive and think I can do this!
Remember an optimist will see an opportunity in every difficulty whereas a pessimist will see a difficulty in every opportunity.
Is the glass half FULL or half EMPTY? Your attitude will decide!


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