Beautiful lesson from the action of Bibi Hajera

 Happened to go through these beautiful lessons from the action loved by Allah of Bibi Hajera. Kindly share it with other muslimahs

A noble woman ran between two mountains desperately seeking water for her baby child. That action was so beloved to Allah that He made mankind do same action until the end of time.

 What action was it? 

She quenched the thirst of her baby child. 

Do you see the reward and how much Allah loves people preferring others to themselves, serving creation, caring about others, and nurturing children? Don't ever let people make you believe that parenting isn't the greatest job in the world.

 Don't let people fool you to think it's backwards or something lowly.You don't always need to pray a 1000 rak'ats daily, read a 1000 books, or live in the Mosque to be a wali. You don't have to give millions in charity or fast every day of your life to be close to Allah. 

Sayyidah Hajeraؑ  teaches us that being a sincere, selfless, and devoted parent who loves his/her children and tends to their needs for the sake of Allah is enough to be counted amongst His most beloved awliya. They will be remembered until the final day.

 She also teaches us that sincere parenting brings about an increase in Rizq for the household. Don't you see Zam Zam has been flowing for thousands of years and has been quenching the thirst of millions because of one mother who cared for her child?


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