Naming the blog as Baseerath

As Salamu Alaikum

Jazakumullah for most of your responses and appreciation. I shall take them as words of encouragement. One of the sisters-in-Islam, has asked me about the name of this blog, "Baseerath" {Baseerah} .

Let me clarify that this name has nothing to do with my personal attachment to it. I chose this word for its meaning. Ayah :12: 108 of the Holy Qur'an,

Say: This is my way, I call upon Allaah upon Baseerah (clear evidence, sure knowledge), I and whoever follows me and free is Allaah from all imperfections and I am not of those who associate partners with Allaah. [Yoosuf 12:108]

The root of this word (baseerah) is from "dhuhoor" (visibility) and "bayaan" (elucidation). The Qur’aan consists of basaa’ir (pl. of baseerah), meaning evidences, guidance and elucidation which lead to the truth and guide to right conduct.

It also means, "Insight'.

Moreover, Baseerath was a programme telecasted , of Dr. Israr Ahmed, who's a very influential personality of my life, {May Allah swt bless him with good health and long life}. So its one of the reasons to name it.


Anonymous said…
it looks you are a fan of Dr.Israr Ahmed.please can you give me the link to download his tafsir in written(not audio) format,which i need for my project
i will be thankful to you
Azmath Sultana said…
Darling lady.....

I congratulate your parents for bringing up such a daughter ....whose intelligence is so true to her name....surely....plz allow me a chance to meet your parents some day.

Jazakillahi Khair.
Keep up the good work.

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