Favours of Allah

As'salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

There's a verse in the Holy Qur'an of Surah Nahl. All of us experience this verse in our daily lives. Its as follows ;-

"And if u count the favour of Allah never could you be able to count them. Truly Allah is often Forgiving, Most merciful":

I experienced this verse again and thank Allah for His  favours while going thru an article.  I would like to share this article. It may be a reminder as well too.

Author Maulana Yusuf islahi assigns some work to  his secretary to be accomplished . This Secretary showed all his intrest and excitement towards his job. This was a great sign of relief for the author. The  very day he had to sent a word to his secretary saying that, he may take his own time to accomplish the job as he''s to leave for a trip of two days.  But that trip gets cancelled and author meets his secretary personally and aske him to finish the work withinn 2 days itself as his trip got cancelled.Secretary nods.

Two days passed and the next two days too. There was no sign of the secretary. Fifth day he appeared and submitted. Naturally with a frown over his face author asks  him as what made him late. He answered simply : 'Sir, the first day when the job was assigned i had intrest in it but when was postponed and later was asked to do as before, i sat down with the files. But now lacked intrest in this job. I kept postponding it b.cos of this fact. Alast finished it today".

Though this reply was a simple one but since  a believer connects every aspect of his with islam, likewise, a verse flashed the mind of the author.

 "Verily, the Hour is coming -- and I am almost hiding it -- that every person may be rewarded for that which he strives.'' -Surah Taha verse 15.

When is The Hour? When 's the Dooms Day? No one knows that besides Allah. None of us know either the exact day or its time. As Allah ta'ala mentions it in this verse ki "I am almost hiding it". Is it not the favour of Allah ?

Well, not all of us may easily get it in our minds. Favour in what sense !
Going back to the example where in, the secretary lost his intrest when the task was to be postponed and the time limits were set. Similarly if we were told that The Hour may establish so and so date, then we would lack all the intrest and keep postponding the good deeds with the thought that there's still some time later. We would become careless and would commit sins with the thought that before The Hour, lets seek forgiveness.
Its a well known fact that the actual Hour of the person starts up soon after his death. And Death is inevitable. None of us know tha day we are to end this life. Since its hidden fact, every believer is enthusiastic, alert and active all the time. He may expect death any time so is prepared always. He tries his best to accomplish good deeds as soon as the thought flashes his minds. A believer does n't hope for tommorow since he's not sure of his next minute. He takes every second of   his life as a blessing and tries to use it in good..

Is    this not the favour of Allah ta'ala. Indeed one of the greatest blessings over mankind. Surely.

 As said in Ar- Rahman -"Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny"


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